Thursday, November 8, 2007

cat-naming contest!

When my friend Stiffany texted me the other night to ask my opinion on names for her brand new rescues, I felt it was my duty to help. So I'm taking it upon myself to open up the floor & hold a naming contest, pitting you all head-to-head in the process. Keep in mind, there are 2 kittens, so we need 2 names -- preferably 2 that go together hilariously. Also, Stiffany's own nickname is "Hambone" or "Hammy," so if the kitten names go with that theme, even better.

Some of the names Stiffany & I've already tossed around are

lieutenant ham & his filipino lover raul
spspspsp & ttttttt
undercover lover & president pervert
sea bass
the professor

The floor is now open -- let the competition begin!


HollyMay said...

hambone you say.

well i know what goes well with hambone!

that's collard and peas.

C'mere Collard, get lost Peas! Or give me back my teeth Peas! Well don't sleep there Collard and I won't roll on you.

fifi said...

That's so beautiful. I cried at the poetry of it all. Thank you, HollyMay, for doing what only a prahpah Suhthuhn lady can.

Too bad there's not a third kitten she could name Biscuits or Cornbread. Or even better -- Cornpone!

HollyMay said...

Okay, that's it!!!




fifi said...

I'll let Stiffany know that we have names that are gonna be really hard to beat.

But the competition's still open -- I want tons of responses, people!

cherie said...

So read my latest blog, and I already have a name picked out for mine...Brooklyn. of course.

fifi said...

Cherie, you should definitely get a cat -- and train it to use the toilet from the beginning.

But really, people. How come no one wants to name these two fuzzdorables?! Let's keep coming up with names!

CC said...

How about Brandford Covington III?

I was just thinking this morning that from now on, I will name my pets the most WASP names ever!

CC said...

Oh i just realized that i am about a month too late. I guess Brandford Covington III will be my future cat's name (preferably a scottish fold :))