Monday, June 16, 2008

bruise of the week (3 installments in one!)

bruise week uno

Our 1st candidate for glory tonight is from my first soccer game, April 25th. I took a cleat to the inside of my right knee -- from a guy who probably had a good 50 lbs. on me. It's just kind of amazing that he didn't break my leg.

bruise week dos

Our next beauty is from the last week of May. I wish I had a really cool story to go with it -- like I knocked out some Amazon woman's teeth when she shoved her way on the subway one morning. But it ain't so. I stepped out of the way of a woman in my office & ran my hand into a metal hand railing. This one was hot & lasted a long time.

bruise week tres

Our current contender is a swollen, ugly knuckle that makes it painful for me to even walk. That's right, this bitch is my big toe knuckle. I did this 2 weeks ago in a soccer game. I kicked the crap out of a guy, trying to get the ball from him. He was totally asking for it.

We also have a runner up for this week -- I took the full brunt of a hurtling soccer ball to the...wait for it...RIGHT knee. My poor right leg has really taken a beating in soccer.

So, how does your black & blue look this week?


*Bitch Cakes* said...

Dang! Good thing the season is over- you need to recover. Will you be in punk rope tonight for other potential bruises and whip marks?

PS cute lil toes!!!

fifi said...

Yeah, I'll have a few weeks to recover before summer season begins. Of course, I'll be at Punk Rope tonight! You can whip me as much as you'd like. ;)

Last night, I went to Aerial Yoga with the other 1/3 of Team Sexy (or 1/4 when Miss Dewey Decimal's in PR) & my feet actually feel much better today from all the stretching (don't worry, I'll blog about the aerial yoga experience too).

They're adorable little piggies, no?

Miss Dewey Decimal said...

ouch. see, this is why i don't participate in organized sports.

team sexy will be reunited for one night only on july 9. then i will disappear for another 10 weeks of novel writing.

Miss Dewey Decimal said...

i think this might rival your injuries ...

Miss Dewey Decimal said...

ahh, why does it do that?!

HollyMay said...

that first pic looks like your butt. well it does. not that i've seen your butt. but it looks like a butt.

but good bruising. make a girl proud.

fifi said...

Nope, no thong injuries here, Miss Dewey Decimal. I'll leave that to the (law enforcement) professionals. What a story!

I can't wait for the Punk Rope Team Sexy Reunion, July 9th!

I wish my ass looked that good, hollymay. Alas, just my meaty thigh-just-above-the-knee-area.

I aim to please. This week's installment's gonna have some bizarre beauts.